Our Vision
The Pakistani Story
The Pakistani story begins with its children; we begin to fail our children from the very moment they are born.
We lose many of them at birth, with the 2nd highest neonatal mortality rate in the world. We then fail to provide adequate nutrition to them in the first 1,000 days of their existence, resulting in over ⅓rd of Pakistani children being stunted, and not having fully formed mental and physical capabilities. We then exclude a large number from any education at all, with the highest out-of-school children populations in the world.
Those that do end up in school, we provide the vast majority of them an education that is substandard at best, if not entirely useless.
The few that do manage to get an acceptable education by working outside the system or through privilege that a select few have, we do not offer them sufficient higher education opportunities.
The very tiny percentage that manage to get a quality higher education, after beating all the odds, enter the workforce in an economy with very limited opportunities to utilize their skills productively. The even fewer that do manage to find jobs/opportunities, quickly realize that living a respectful life with even the basic necessities is difficult, sustaining the same lifestyle each year becomes harder and harder and the best they can do is try to protect their children from the same fate. We therefore end up losing a large portion of this already highly constrained talent supply to the rest of the world.
The few that remain, and have the desire to change things, do not have political institutions they can participate in, and are unable to affect change.
We don’t stop there, we also then continue to make reckless economic decisions that rig the system even more against the middle class and future generations, by indebting them further. Fully ensuring, the Pakistani elite, cheat most Pakistanis out of a future at every stage of their lives and cheat each generation a little more than the previous one.
We do this while having one of the world’s fastest growing populations. One of the world’s youngest.
Millions of young, poor and most tragically, hopeless people!!
This must change. We can no longer have a system that guarantees failure and then also excludes you from being able to change it. Pakistan can do better, it must. Over the past 3 decades, countries with far less than Pakistan have done far, far better. They’ve lifted millions out of poverty, they’ve created true social mobility and they’ve given their young and women control over their destiny.
We can do this too. We will wrest Pakistan back from the elites, and change the Pakistani story. We will create a Khushaal Pakistan. We must. And we will do so through the Awaam of Pakistan.
Awaam Pakistan Vision Statement
A democratic Pakistan that holds public interest supreme – a society where every individual’s fundamental rights are upheld, all vital services are guaranteed by the government, ensuring that everyone’s essential needs, especially of the most vulnerable, are fulfilled. A society where everyone has equal opportunity and one where every generation is better off than the previous one.
Why Awaam Pakistan?
Pakistan’s current political parties operate under a single principle – power at any cost. Everything else, whether it be the Constitution or the long-term impact of their decisions, is secondary. The pursuit of this principle has created a system, the Nizaam, that focuses on serving the interests of a limited elite, combined with short-sighted populist decision making to sustain power.
This has resulted in Pakistan going from the richest country in the region to possibly the poorest. A large number of Pakistanis do not want to live in Pakistan today, and they certainly do not want their children to live in Pakistan. Unfortunately, Pakistan’s problems only continue to worsen as its elite are averse to reform and determined to stay the course, meaning an even dire fate awaits Pakistan and most Pakistanis. This powerful elite have not only robbed Pakistanis of our today but are also on the path to rob our children’s tomorrow.
This is why we must change the Nizaam. And this is why Awaam Pakistan, based on the following guiding principles, has been formed.
- The First principle of Awaam Pakistan is the supremacy of the Constitution and the rule of Law.
We envision a Pakistan where all institutions operate within their Constitutional boundaries, there is a rule of Law, and the will of the people is respected.
- The Second principle is honesty and transparency. Starting to fix any problem begins with accepting we have one; unfortunately, Pakistan has a long history of denying our most fundamental problems. We will change this; starting with a permanent Truth Commission to document the reality of Pakistan, making the factual narrative of events an inherent feature of our transparent governance and political culture.
We envision a Pakistan that can move beyond its past wounds, learn from its mistakes, and establish complete adherence to the Constitution.
- The Third principle is that the sole purpose of politics and government will be to serve the people, the Awaam. All government policies and governance will only be evaluated on the basis of what serves public interest the most; we will not let special or vested interests dictate public policies.
We envision a Pakistan where political parties compete for providing greater welfare to the people. A Pakistan where the people’s interest is paramount, above any vested political or personal interest.
- The Fourth principle is that Pakistan’s greatest capital must always be its human resource. A healthy, educated and productive population is the only way Pakistan can progress. The government will be responsible for providing quality education and healthcare to all citizens.
We envision a Pakistan of healthy, educated, and progressive people.
- The Fifth principle is that the effectiveness of any government will be determined by the progress that its most vulnerable have made. What chance does a widow with 3 young children in rural Balochistan with no inheritance have? Does the state provide her a safety net? Do her children have a fate other than child labour? Will they be provided quality education so they can achieve true social mobility? Will they be provided healthcare when they are sick?
We envision a Pakistan where the government is responsible for providing all its citizens, especially those living in marginal circumstances, with a life of dignity.
- The Sixth principle is a Pakistan for all its citizens. The government will protect fundamental rights and ensure there is equal opportunity and the right to individual progress and liberty. The social contract will guarantee that every generation will be better off than the previous one.
We envision a Pakistan which guarantees freedom, opportunity and fundamental rights for all.
- The Seventh principle is that the most effective governance is delivered by a government closest to its people, ensuring their voices are heard and their needs met. We will decentralize governance, empowering local communities to take charge of their development and ensuring that government policies and actions are equitable, transparent and accountable.
We envision a Pakistan with a governance structure at the local level that serves, not rules, its people.
8. The eighth principle is free, fair and efficient markets are the engine of growth.
We envision a Pakistan where government focuses on service delivery and allows market forces, with fair competition, to drive growth and innovation.
Awaam Pakistan, guided by these principles, will restore hope, change the Nizaam and build a Khushaal Pakistan for all citizens. We envision a Pakistan where young people are hopeful and excited about the future that awaits them within the country.